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MAY 1, 2006
VOL. 6, Issue 9

May 1, 2006
At the Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter Street, W., 8:00pm

Pepe Castro
Will be reading his poems in spanish.

Charles Mountford
Charles Hugh Mountford was born in Fort William, Ontario, before it became part of Thunder Bay, and is still keenly interested in happenings there. He attended the University of Western Ontario and the University of London. One year, he was lucky enough to win first prize in the short poem category of the Alberta Poetry Contest. He writes all kinds of poetry, but dramatic monologues are his favourite. He has published two books of poetry: The Harvest of Glass and Henry Hudson. He speaks, reads, and writes French and Persian and is working (very slowly), on translations of poetry from those languages. He also writes opera librettos, one of which was recently produced. He currently lives in Stratford, Ontario, where he looks after a garden and listens to opera.

Charles Mountford appears courtesy of the League of Canadian Poets and the Canada Council.

Wes Ryan
Wes Ryan (occasionally known as "scooter") is a talented writer, dancer and musician. Recently you may have seen him playing music at open stages at the Spill and the Montreal House. His dance/theatre piece "topia" was performed at the Alleyway Waltz in the fall of 2005. His writing is evocative, poignant and direct. Don't miss his debut at the Cooked and Eaten table.

Caro Soles
Caro Soles is the founder of Bloody Words, Canada's biggest annual mystery convention. Her work includes both mystery and science fiction, as well as two short story collections and six novels under a nom de plume. The Danger Dance, (Sf) will be out next year and Drag Queen in the Court of Death, a mystery, in March, 2007. She teaches writing at George Brown College in Toronto.


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