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December 1, 2008
VOL. 9, Issue 7

December 1, 2008
At the Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter Street, W., 8:00pm

R.D. Roy reading for the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists, Havana, 2008
R.D. Roy reading for the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists, Havana, 2008

R.D. Roy was raised and educated in Montreal, Quebec. His mixed Anglo/Francophone heritage and working class background are often reflected in his writing.

He has published two collections of short stories (Panegyric Press) and a short novel, A Pre-emptive Kindness, (Hidden Brook Press). His short stories have appeared in several anthologies and Montreal’s Matrix magazine. Roy's first book of poetry, Three Cities, will be released by Hidden Brook Press in early 2008.

Now living near Kingston, Ontario, he has been a regular reader in area coffee houses and poetry events. His work was included in the recent Kingston Anthology, Poetry & Co. 'Scapes.

He was a featured reader at Queen’s University’s Dub Poetry festival in 2006, and the DUB Kingston-Toronto Solidarity Tour in ‘07.(Recieving Canada Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council reading grants) and has read at the Art Bar and Hot-Sauced in Toronto.

Roy was featured at this year's Al Purdy-People’s Poetry Festival and, as a member of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance, performed at the Havana International Book Festival, and the University of Havana in 2007. He is a contributing editor for the CCLA’s periodical, The Ambassador.

Roy is a Registered Nurse and works part-time at a ‘street clinic’ and as a ‘street nurse’ in two Ontario cities.

He is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance, and PEN Canada.

image of Munroe Scott

Munroe Scott
Munroe Scott is Ontario born and raised. He attended High School in Almonte, Ontario, and received his BA from Queen's and an MA from Cornell. Munroe was staff writer for Crawley Films, Ottawa, from 1950-57, at which point he went freelance. As a freelance writer he has survived in the worlds of documentary film, television drama, television public affairs, stage drama, son et lumiere, and literature. He currently lives in Peterborough, Ontario. He is a member of The Writers Union of Canada, Playwrights' Guild Canada, and Writers' Guild Canada.

Bill Templeman
Bill Templeman’s work has sporadically appeared, (well, sporadically in extremis) in anthologies and small magazines in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Recently his work has been in Takeout, Winter 08, “Televised Eros” and “Bath Time News”, Queen’s Quarterly, (Queen’s University), July 05 “Mercy Mission”, Beneath the Surface (McMaster University), Spring 98 “Roger Bannister, The First Man to Break the Four Minute Mile, Reflects on a Lifetime of Running”, Ice: New Writing on Hockey, Winter 1999 “They Don’t Play Hockey Here Any More: The Montreal Forum’s Chief Ghost Meditates Upon the History of the Game”

He also guilty of writing essays, opinion columns and articles for newspapers and magazines. He lives in Peterborough and would like to read and write a lot more, but having noticed, of late, a depressing dearth of ads offering big bucks for full-time poets, most of the time he pretends to be a consultant and coach specializing in team effectiveness in order to keep tofu on the table.

Jan Thornhill
Jan Thornhill spends part of her time writing, illustrating and designing kids' books and part of the time poking away at a never-ending novel and working on the occasional short story. The rest of her time is spent procrastinating by obsessively collecting, identifying and cataloguing fungi and slime molds and beetles. Her most recent kids' book, This Is My Planet - The Kids' Guide to Global Warming has been nominated for 7 awards.

This page last updated Aug. 10, 2008.
© 2008